At LFSS, we strive to adhere to the highest standards in the Industry. We have therefore held ourselves accountable to the diligent adherance to our corporate policies as shown below.
• The Management of the company will ensure that policies, training and procedures utilized by the company will meet or exceed safety and accident
• guidelines currently deemed acceptable by the standards of International Industrial Organizations.
• The management of the company will ensure the utilization of policies, which provide a safe and secure working environment for its employees.
• The management of the company will mandate policies, which ensure an environmentally friendly approach resulting from its operations.
• The management of the company will strive towards improvement in the well being of the workforce and those affected by its operations.
The management of the Company will endeavour to prevent accidents and to avoid situations, which may present a threat to health, the well being of all persons in the workplace and the environment.
It is the objective of the Company to protect everyone from dangerous and unhealthy work situations, actions and materials in so far as this is within the competence of the Company. This includes the personnel of the Client and third parties where they are in contact with the Company its products or its services.
To provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, taking into account all statutory regulations, rules and standards, is an integral part of Company policy.
The CASHES Manager will ensure that the management of the Company is comprehensively briefed annually. This will allow review of the overall program and implementation of relevant policy changes where applicable
It is the policy of LFSS that the communities within which its projects are executed, are regularly informed of the implications of their actions within and around the project site with respect to equipment movements, material storage sites and nature of work being carried out.
It is the duty of the HSE personnel, through the Community Relations Manager to ensure a regular consultation with leaders of the communities on safety around the project sites
In keeping with the company’s strict health and safety policy, every project undertaken is reviewed with regard to specific site requirements. Therefore it is not uncommon for warning signs to be installed as temporary fixtures (during mobilization / implementation / initial stages of commissioning for example), and permanent fixtures (as sometimes required for the completed product). A typical example is ‘NO UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ALLOWED’ for control areas containing any potentially dangerous items. This may become permanent (at the end of commissioning) from a temporary status during installation. LFSS scrutinizes projects individually and rigidly, taking into account contract terms and client requirements in adopting site specific health and safety sign policy, for the entire project duration and thereafter.
• LFSS’s personnel are provided with identification and visitors are screened in accordance with Client and LFSS’s security requirements.
• All personnel are required to log in and out of the site stipulating time of entrance and exit.
• All personnel are subject to a Safety Induction Course prior to work commencement that shall incorporate all applicable security requirements.
• All equipment are logged in and out and a record kept of their movements.
• All materials are subject to ‘Way Bills’ or ‘Bills of Lading’ upon receipt at site.
• An authorized LFSS’s signatory / waybill accompanies all materials leaving site and approved by LFSS’s and the Client.
LFSS is committed to the academic and professional development of its employees. We believe that this will enhance the performance and productivity of individuals, which in turn improves the company’s ability to successfully execute projects and secure new contracts in the future.
Employees gain knowledge and experience in several ways:
1. On the job experience – Each employee reports to a head of department or section and will acquire technical knowledge and “hands-on” experience by observation and undertaking their daily assignments. Employees are also required to familiarize themselves with the company’s technical and managerial procedures. This will improve their skills; encourage team building and intra / inter-departmental co-operation. Employees will begin to appreciate the value of working in an organization where clearly defined systems and practices result in a better working environment for all. Employees are also instructed on the application and implementation of good Health, Safety and Environment practices.
2. Academic Courses – Employees are encouraged to take courses, which are relevant to their area of work. This enables individuals to gain additional academic qualifications. The Company will assist towards the cost of these courses.
3. Professional Courses and Industry Workshops – Conferences and Various Professional Bodies and Industry Associations hold workshops throughout the year. Selected employees are sent by the company to improve on their knowledge, skills, new techniques and innovations in their respective fields of work. The Company usually sponsors the employee.
• Describe and define the methods by which LFSS carry out a “Management Review” of the LFSS Quality Management System (QMS) by which the continued effectiveness and degree of implementation required to meet the Company’s aims and objectives with regard to quality are determined.
• Describe and define the system by which the aims and objectives of the firm with regard to quality are met.
• Describe and define the methods by which meetings are organised and detail how “Minutes of Meetings” are recorded, distributed, filed and stored.
• Describe and define the methods by which “Statistical Data” appertaining to the firm’s organization and service departments is gathered, compiled and analyzed together with a description of how the findings or observations produced by analysis are applied.
• Describe and define the system for the “Approval and Issue of Documented Procedures” including the review, comment and approval cycle.
• Describe and define the way by which the selection and recruitment of staff is carried out and provide guidelines for staff who are involved in the recruitment process so that recruitment will be carried out in accordance with the firm’s Quality Management System (QMS).
• Describe and define the system by which the job descriptions are prepared and controlled and provide guidelines for staff who are involved in the preparation of job descriptions so that processes will be carried out in accordance with the firm’s Quality Management System (QMS).
• Describe and define the system by which staff appraisals are prepared and controlled and provide guidelines for staff who are involved in staff appraisals (or performance reviews) so that processes will be carried out in accordance with the firm’s Quality Management Systems (QMS).
• Describe and define the way by which staff are sent to and attend suitable training courses so that training is provided to all personnel performing activities affecting quality.
• Describe and define the method by which “Corporate/Project Quality Planning” is carried out, documented and included in bid submissions.
• Describe and define the system by which “Internal Audits” of the Quality System are planned and carried out.
• Describe and define the system by which the “Corrective and/or Preventive Action” required to eliminate actual or potential non-conformances occurring within the Quality System is carried out.
• Describe and define the methods by which “Corporate/Project QA Requirements” are determined, documented, developed and implemented on projects following a successful “Tender Submission” and eventual “Award of Contract”.
• Provide rules for the receipt and distribution of Tender Documents
• Provide guidelines for the holding of kick-off meetings for Prospective Projects.
• Establish uniform guidelines for developing a cost estimate for projects.
• Ensure that all tenders are totally reviewed prior to submittal to any Client.
• Ensure that full details of any awarded contract are handed over from Technical Services Department (TSD) to the operational personnel, and assign responsibility and provide instructions for the review and start up of contracts.
• Describe and define the planning requirements for any given project when company management have decided to pursue a bid for any given project.
• Describe and define the system by which the procedures contained within the LFSS Quality Management System are referenced, numbered and controlled.
• Describe the system by which incoming and outgoing documents (including physical and electronic data) are received, transmitted, distributed, filed and stored within the firm's Operational Headquarters (OHQ).
• Describes the document control for the Technical Reference Library.
• Establish guidelines for the receipt and archival of Permanent project records in the Document Control Centre in LFSS’s Operational Headquarters.
• Describe, define the system and requirements for Vendor/Suppliers Assessment and Pre-Qualification when supplying Major Equipment
• Describe and define the systems by which those organisations listed on the “Pre-qualified Vendor/Suppliers Register” are selected and appointed to provide “Goods and Services” to projects undertaken by LFSS.
• Define the requirements to complete the commercial evaluation, purchase, and recommendations for all vendors/suppliers.
• Describe the procedure to ensure that all purchase orders contain full terms and conditions of purchase.
• Describe and define the system by which non-conforming product or delivery methods that do not meet specified requirements, may be acceptable without remedial action, or may be reprocessed, repaired or tested to an acceptable standard.
• Describe and define the methods of conducting a “Contract Award and Review” of the “Contract Documents” received from prospective Employers.
• Describe and define how “Amendments to Contract Documents” are controlled, monitored, documented, costed, distributed and filed.
• Describe and define the methods of “Project Organisation and Planning” carried out following a successful bid and “Award of Contract”.
• Describe and define the method for “Project Control of Design Basis Information” including the compilation, review, distribution and filing of such information.
• Provide a guideline and outline to ensure that full project filing system is established to allow indexing, filing, archiving, storage and retrieval of all project documentation.
• Ensure that correspondence between the project(s) and the LFSS Headquarters is conducted in a uniform, controlled manner to ensure full traceability.
• Present an ordered and documented system for the assessment of prospective sub-contractors, with regard to their capabilities to meet sub-contract and Employers requirements including quality requirements.
• Describe and define the system by which Sub-contractors are assessed as to their ability to meet Company and Contract specified requirements, including those of the quality system and other contract documents.
• Describe and define the systems by which those organisations listed on the “Pre-qualified Sub-contractors Register” are selected and appointed to provide “Specialist Services” to projects undertaken by LFSS.
• Describe and define the system by which “Employer’s Complaints” are processed, documented, filed and resolved.
1. LFSS recognises that alcohol and drug abuse related problems are an area of health and social concern. It also recognises that a member of staff with such problems needs help and support from his / her employer.
We recognise that alcohol and drug abuse problems can have a detrimental effect on work performance and behaviour. The Agency has a responsibility to its employees and customers to ensure that this risk is minimised.
3. Accordingly, LFSS policy involves two approaches • Providing reasonable assistance to the member of staff with an alcohol or drug abuse problem who is willing to co-operate in treatment for that problem. • Disciplinary rules, enforced through disciplinary procedures, where use of alcohol or drugs (other than on prescription) affects performance or behaviour at work, and where either (1) an alcohol or drug dependency problem does not exist or (2) where treatment is not possible or has not succeeded.
4. LFSS has not the internal resources to provide or arrange treatment or other forms of specialist assistance. Such services are provided by Doctors, hospitals and other agencies. Through this policy the LFSS will seek both to assist a member of staff in obtaining such specialist help, and to protect his/her employment.
1. LFSS will, where possible, provide the following assistance to a member of staff:
• Helping the member of staff to recognise the nature of the problem, through referral to a qualified diagnostic or counselling service.
• Support during a period of treatment. This may include a period of sick leave or approved other leave, continuation in post or transfer to other work, depending upon what is appropriate in terms of the staff member's condition and needs of the LFSS.
• The opportunity to remain or return to work following the completion of a course of treatment, as far as is practicable, in either the employee's own post or an alternative post.
2. LFSS's assistance will depend upon the following conditions being met:
• An LFSS Approved Doctor diagnoses an alcohol or drug dependency related problem.
• The member of staff recognises that he/she is suffering from an alcohol or drug abuse problem and is prepared to co-operate fully in referral and treatment from appropriate sources.
3. LFSS and its employees must recognise the following limits to the assistance the LFSS can provide:
• Where a member of staff fails to co-operate in referral or treatment arrangements, no special assistance will be given and any failure in work performance and behaviour will be dealt with through the Disciplinary Procedure.
• If the process of referral and treatment is completed but is not successful, and failure in work performance or behaviour occurs, these will be dealt with through the Disciplinary Procedure.
• A member of staff's continuation in his/her post or an alternative post during or after treatment will depend upon the needs of the LFSS at that time.
1. In line with the LFSS's disciplinary rules, the following will be regarded as serious misconduct:
a) Attending work and/or carrying our duties under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
b) Consumption of alcohol or drugs whilst on duty (other than where prescribed or approval has been given).
Breach of these rules will normally result in summary dismissal, and only in exceptional cases will either notice or the reduced disciplinary action of a final written warning be applied.
2. Where a breach of these rules occurs, but it is established that an alcohol or drug abuse related problem exists, and the member of staff is willing to co-operate in referral to an appropriate service and subsequent treatment, the LFSS will suspend application of the Disciplinary Procedure and provide assistance as described above. Staff who do not comply with the treatment suggested or continue to abuse alcohol or drugs will be subjected to the application of the Disciplinary Policy.
1. The procedures define management responsibilities and provide guidelines on:
a) Where assistance to a member of staff should be provided and the nature of and limits to such assistance.
b) The application of the LFSS's Disciplinary Procedure.
2. Through the Approved LFSS Doctor the LFSS will provide:
a) Advice and support to managers on
i) Whether an alcohol or drug related problem exists
ii) Progress in treatment
iii) Re-establishment or continuation at work of a member of staff or other appropriate arrangements.
b) Assistance to members of staff with alcohol or drug abuse related problems.
3. This does not include directly providing treatment or specialist help which is the responsibility of Doctors, hospitals and other agencies working in the field. The Occupational Health Service / LFSS Approved Doctor, in close liaison with these persons and agencies, will assist staff referred in the following ways:
a) through counselling encourage them to come to a better understanding of their problem and the benefits of seeking treatment or help;
b) providing advice and direction regarding obtaining treatment and specialist help;
c) assisting in continuing at or achieving a return to work.
4. Alcohol or drug abuse related problems can come to the notice of management through:
a) Failures in work performance or behaviour necessitating use of the Disciplinary Procedure. In such situations the procedure described above should be followed.
b) Other means, where a member of staff seeks or agrees to accept assistance on a voluntary basis. In such situations, the procedures described above should be followed.
1. Abuse of alcohol or drugs can affect performance and behaviour at work, i.e. either through serious misconduct at work, (where there is a direct and demonstrable breach of the disciplinary rules regarding alcohol or drug abuse at work), or where there is a falling off of standards of work performance or behaviour, and abuse of alcohol or drugs is a possible cause.
2. The immediate line manager will be responsible for responding to such situations, carrying out either counselling or disciplinary investigations and interviews, supported as appropriate by a more senior Manager.
3. In such interviews the possible existence of an alcohol or drug abuse problem should be explored. The line manager is not required to diagnose the existence of an alcohol or drug abuse problem, merely to assess whether such abuse is a possible factor.
4. Any requirements of the Disciplinary Procedure regarding allowing the member of staff representation will be observed.